Information about the release lifecycle can be found here.

Version 2.14.1 (latest)


Fast DDS v2.14 will be the last minor version of Fast DDS v2, the next major release will be Fast DDS v3.0.0, stay tuned!

This release includes the following features in an ABI compatible manner:

  1. Implement copy_from_topic_qos method (see Creating a DataWriter and see Creating a DataReader).

This release includes the following improvements:

  1. Set 2.12.x as EOL

  2. Use a plain switch for NetmaskFilterKind operator<<

  3. Set real TCP non_blocking_send limitation

  4. Increase ack waiting time in reliable_on_unack_sample_removed

  5. Enforce SHM ports open mode exclusions

  6. Force unlimited ResourceLimits if lower or equal to zero (see ResourceLimitsQosPolicy)

  7. Allow processing of AckNack submessages with count == 0

  8. Refactor IStatusQueryable and make monitor service interfaces private

  9. Internal refactor on port handling

  10. Improve ThreadSettingsQoS logging

  11. Run is_plain method with the corresponding data representation

  12. Address compilation issue for GLIBC version

  13. Repository and test improvements:

    1. Run Github Ubuntu CI on PRs

    2. Only run PRs CI when a review is requested

    3. Improve filtering of DNS tests

    4. Make sample_lost_be_dw_be_dr_fragments test less flaky

    5. Build Fast DDS Python bindings in Fast DDS Docs Github CI job

    6. Add check for XML API to PR template

    7. Refactor Github CI sanitizer related jobs

    8. Increase sleep to miss the deadline in macOS flaky tests

    9. Fix nightly sanitizer CI workflow name

    10. Improve xml loading method in fuzz_XMLProfiles

    11. Build ShapesDemo on Ubuntu Github CI

    12. Correctly set branches for reusable-sanitizers-ci

This release includes the following fixes:

  1. Address XMLProfiles fuzzer regressions

  2. Fix flaky Log tests

  3. Fix hidden overloaded virtual methods

  4. Effectively assert automatic/manual_by_participant liveliness

  5. Fix on_sample_lost notification on best-effort readers for fragmented samples

  6. Monitor service properly managing instances

  7. Fix CVE-2024-30258

  8. Fix Discovery Server over TCP using LocatorSelectorEntry

  9. Removed warning

  10. Make get_first_untaken_info() coherent with read()/take()

  11. Fix serialization of Data(w)/Data(r) in MonitorService

  12. Bugfix in DDSBlackboxTestsDataReader test

  13. Fix leak in SecurityManager::participant_volatile_message_secure_writer_

  14. Fix some leaks in XML DynamicTypes Parser

  15. Fix support for @key annotation in Dynamic types

  16. Fix SecurityTest unit tests memory error

  17. Fix Python Installation version in Github CI. Address failing system tests environment issues


When upgrading to version 2.14.0 it is advisable to regenerate generated source from IDL files using Fast DDS-Gen v3.3.0.

See also

For further information about the corresponding versions of other products related to this Fast DDS version, please refer to the eProsima products compatibility section.